EMMA GILL reviewed in New York Sun & featured on popular biography podcast

I’m immensely grateful to biographer Carl Rollyson, who reviewed my latest book, The Disquieting Death of Emma Gill: Abortion, Death, and Concealment in Victorian New England, for the New York Sun. Link: https://bit.ly/3ROuvtF

Carl also featured me as his guest on his regular podcast, A Life in Biography, which is carried on Spotify and other popular podcast platforms. You can listen here: https://bit.ly/3W5zb0s

The author of more than 40 books, mainly biographies, and a prolific journalist, Carl Rollyson was one of my first mentors when I joined Biographers International Organization nearly a decade ago. It’s always been my dream to be a guest on his podcast, which has featured some of my favorite writers. To be reviewed by him in the same week was a thrill.

For the full New York Sun review, use the link above. Here’s how the review looks on the site for paid subscribers:

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