EMMA GILL featured during Women’s History Month 2024
The substack ReproRights and its associated Facebook group, Given No Choice, ran a feature about The Disquieting Death of Emma Gill.
Pamela Toler’s History in the Margins news site devoted a page to an interview with author Marcia Biederman.
Biederman’s book and its path to publication were the subject of a two-part series posted on the Facebook group Nonfiction Fans.
Dateline New Haven‘s lively radio exchange with Marcia Biederman
Paul Bass, editor of the New Haven Independent news site and host of WNHH Community Radio, invited Marcia Biederman to its radio studio on on March 12, 2024. Paul, who was once Marcia’s journalism colleague, kept the author on her toes with his questions about New Haven in the 1890s, when it was as famous for illegal abortion as it now is for pizza. Henry and Nancy Guilford, central figures in The Disquieting Death of Emma Gill, were only two providers in a fiercely competitive — albeit criminal —marketplace for abortion which made the city known as a “hotbed of abortion.”
The Dateline New Haven episode, which can also be heard on Spotify, Apple, and other podcast platforms, is here.
Author Marcia Biederman’s op-eds about abortion rights
The day preceding the publication of EMMA GILL marked the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed Americans the constitutional right to an abortion. Sadly, Roe was overturned in 2022, allowing states to institute near-total abortion bans, as many have. Author Marcia Biederman wrote two op-eds relating this country’s lamentable past to its present.
Biederman’s op-ed in the New York Daily News:
Biederman’s op ed in the CT Mirror ran the same day:
The Daily News also published Biederman’s op-ed in its print edition, which is still widely read in New York City.